“Where her works “A City Seeking Its Bodies” and “And Here We Meet” were quite spectacular, “(T)here And After” is more complex and filigree. […] Together with Marianna Christofides, Waierstall has not only maintained her distinctive movement language, but also further developed it in its aesthetics… […] The dancers are pushed to the limits of their physical condition in order to create situations between the end of the world, the new beginning and poetry. Without a sense of direction, they find themselves in new orders which, after only a few attempts, do not appear to exist, cumulate into cell groups which burst apart in ever-increasing aggregate states, or find themselves in tormenting loneliness of solitude which causes them to float on the ground. […] Now it is no longer just about the time after the explosion or explosion of all systems, but also about how we want to deal with each other in the future. Perhaps the more helpful, time pressuring question… At last an exhausted but over enthusiastic applause begins. These were – clearly – successful 50 minutes, to which the choreographer and her team may be proud.” Michael S. Zerban, Opernnetz, Magazin für Musiktheater, www.opernnetz.de, 26.11.16, translation: Alexandra Waierstall
„They surprise you in suddenly changing light shades – from glaringly bright to semi-dark, gloomy and dark. […] Aesthetically, Waierstall composed the scenes that live from permanent change.“ Max Kirschner, Westdeutsche Zeitung, 26.11.2016, translation: Alexandra Waierstall