2067: Time and Time and Time

National Dance Company Wales

2067: Time and Time and Time
is elegant.

Dancers reveal a shimmering poem about the relationship between the history of time and the poetry of destiny.

National Dance Company Wales / Touring as part of KIN: „KIN is dance that connects us. It brings people, families, friends, clubs, teams, tribes and communities together. NDCWales performs poetry, sport and identity across three powerful pieces of dance.“


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2067: Time and Time and Time

Premier: 25 Feb 2020,
Aberystwyth Arts Centre, UK
Duration: 20 min.

Choreography, concept, set design; costume concept: Alexandra Waierstall; Choreographic collaboration: Harry Koushos; Dance and collaboration: NDCWales / Joshua Attwood, Marla King, Ed Myhill, Aisha Naamani, Mathew Prichard, Elena Sgarbi, Faye Tan, Tim Volleman; Composition: Volker Bertelmann/ HAUSCHKA; Lighting design: Caty Olive; Costume design: Brighde Penn

Production: NDCWales
Photos: Mark Douet