Sounding Silence

No story will be told

Anatomically an open organ, my ear, acts as my connector to my environment.

I hear the silence and move on the edge of structure and chance. No story will be told. My moving, the piece itself. Sensing the stimuli of my surroundings, I acknowledge the moment and its becoming nature.

The solo “Sounding Silence” created for and with Harry Koushos is part of the series “A human study – a choreographical journal”. The series is pursued since 2006 in different formats / constellations and explores time-spatial configurations in relation to interpersonal unfoldings.

“The world is teeming: anything can happen.” (John Cage)

Sounding Silence

Premier: 2 March 2013
Duration: 55 min. or durational performance
People on tour: 3

Choreography, concept: Alexandra Waierstall; Performance and collaboration: Harry Koushos

Production: Alexandra Waierstall