A Body of Infinite Voices

Premiere / 16 Nov 2024, Cyprus Choreography Platform

Body as space, as a moving archive.


Premiere 16 Nov 2024
Cyprus Choreography Platform,
Rialto Theatre, Limassol, Cyprus

Alexandra Waierstall’s new choreographic work „A Body of Infinite Voices“ is a work created with and for the performer Elena Agathokleous. Following their successful collaboration on the group piece HEART MOMENT, which was presented in Germany in September, come together again for this new solo work.

Alexandra Waierstall guides and creates a temporary space for Elena Agathokleous to find her own emergence, incorporating the memories of many with whom she has moved with. This choreography allows the body itself, along with the presence of the performer, to open up vast spaces of yesterday and today – of remembrance and dream.


„Her body and presence will become the surface where sound and silence, movement and stillness will prompt us to contemplate the adventurous movement of stillness, the sound of sound and to approach the experience of time through the reorganization of her body as space, as a moving archive.“ Alexandra Waierstall

A Body of Infinite Voices

Choreography, concept: Alexandra Waierstall; Performance, collaboration: Elena Agathokleous; Lights: Alexandra Waierstall; Photos: Christian Herrmann

Production: Noema Dance Works e.V.; Supported by: Department of Contemporary Culture of the Deputy Ministry of Culture